vineri, 4 noiembrie 2011

Protecting the person who is injured

First aid person, the victim and others must be protected from immediate danger and its possible recurrence must be prevented. However there may be situations when the person first aid can not protect the victim from danger, requiring rescue by performing specialized forces such as police, fire rescue special.
In some countries people who provide first aid should be acknowledge that security authorities were informed of the situation may need emergency, according to their security rules.
In first aid situations many people are concerned about the transmission of diseases. The risk of contracting contagious diseases such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HIV, etc.., While ensuring life-saving measures is much lower than people think.Using the basic rules on self-protection: taking appropriate precautions and basic hygiene measures applying further reduce this risk. In some areas local health authorities require or recommend immunological protection of emergency services personnel (eg. Vaccination against hepatitis or tetanus).
For those providing assistance should be encouraged to assist any person in need without discrimination and to treat everyone with respect.
To the extent that circumstances permit, the following measures should be taken to prevent disease transmission:
• Personal precautions• Wash your hands with soap and clean water immediately after applying lifesaving techniques. When possible (eg. To treat a wound in the domestic context and out of situations that threaten life), and hands should be cleaned prior to surgery.• Avoid contact with body fluids. Objects that can be impregnated with blood or other body fluids should not be touched.• Pay special attention to avoid being injured by broken glass or other sharp objects found on or near the injured person.• Prevent injuries when using, handle clean or remove tools or sharp objects.• Cover cuts or other damage to their skin with clean, dry cloth.• Avoid coughing, sneezing or talking over a wound.• Avoid getting dirt in the wound.• Precautions about equipment• If the intervention in an emergency are available gloves (latex, rubber, medical), masks and goggles, they should be used.• If no gloves, can be used any protective barrier (plastic or textile clean). Hands should be washed thoroughly after removing their protective material, and, if possible, before their application.• If no mask and glasses, contact the removal of body fluids should be avoided. In case of contact surface should be washed well that as soon as possible.• When using cardiopulmonary resuscitation techniques should be used a pocket mask while performing artificial respiration. In the absence of appropriate masks can be used a handkerchief.• environmental precautions• Store materials in disposable containers which can be discarded, and clean the other materials before storing them clean and protected locations.
The person providing assistance should encourage pedestrians to take appropriate measures to prevent such diseases.
If the person providing assistance has been in contact with any body fluids or is concerned that the victim could have been, you should seek confidential health care to be counseled and tested.

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