First aid measures

Thousands of people die or suffer because of ignorance annual measures to prevent emergency situations or their implementing rules and lack the knowledge necessary to manage health problems and risky behavior, or in emergency situations because they have received appropriate assistance or has not been paid on time.
Thus, a number of communities across the world face the crisis
Everyone is vulnerable
You may get significant improvements if more people would have first aid knowledge.
It is essential not only development of means of intervention and effective delivery of care, but also the development of each person's ability to save and protect lives, including their own, so the benefit of her family and community.
Prevention and common sense are key components of first aid education. When people are trained to assist victims of road accidents, are also known to bring traffic safety rules.
The same model applies to training communities to manage outbreaks of diarrhea - these are educated to improve hygiene and sanitation practices.
Each can protect and save lives
First Aid is a mood, an action-oriented attitude and a set of actions and practices that aim to prevent, prepare for and provide a response to emergency situations. These circumstances may include illness, disease, heart attacks, traffic accidents, domestic injuries, etc..
In immediate response to emergencies is to reduce the impact of these conditions on health in order to stabilize and treat the victim until professional help is available or necessary.
The concept
The ultimate goal of first aid programs should be to adopt a healthier lifestyle and safer by the vast majority of individuals and communities.
First Aid you information, training and actions. "Please be careful when crossing streets" is a first aid post, as an emergency alert.Washing hands is as important as caring for an unconscious victim.
However, essential information and actions are not the only component, also there is a psychological dimension intrinsic and undeniable ethical foundation. First aid person brings human warmth which help promote a more tolerant society.
Those providing first aid offers a model of society that goes beyond borders, where the rule is mutual aid, where men and women who suffer are helped regardless of nationality, religion or ethnicity simply because human dignity should be complied with.A warm smile, a comforting touch, a careful look can make all the difference.
First Aid promotes a sense of solidarity, generosity and altruism that exists in each of us and give a new dimension of community spirit.
We are all interested, because we are all vulnerable and yet all we can protect and save lives.
To encourage and support people need an environment act. In addition to the appropriate legal framework, the involvement of community leaders, public authorities, media, civil society and business sector, as well as partnerships between these factors are of great importance and value.